By Soraya Virtusio, Mhariam Abouelyazid, & Jessamyn Guinanao
As the year ends and another begins, we all make resolutions to change, achieve, and maintain our goals. We modify parts of our lives with the mindset that letting go of things we do not deem worthy will let us thrive.
However, before we make such choices, we must step back and think. Give yourself some time to reflect, as everyone’s situation is different. Pause and take a look at the bigger picture. Your bigger picture.
What is it that you “deem worthy” in your life?
This is the year to discover what really makes you feel alive. Spend the year on dreams and passions. Live for the things that make you want to get up in the morning.
Aside from accomplishing our goals, we should also learn to appreciate those who bring out the best in us. Pursue your ambitions but never forget the people you cherish and help you flourish.
And as you embark, remember that the road will get bumpy.
So, when things are tense, stroll on a scenic trail; take a break from the hectic life. When you feel lonely, treat yourself to a good time. When life gets rough, know that you are doing your best.
There will always be obstacles and barriers that slow us down, but the key is to embrace the uncertainty. Turn your anxiety into curiosity, and you will find beauty in all things — even difficulties.
The rest of the year is still unknown; all possibilities are yet to reveal themselves. No matter what happens, keep trying and keep going. If you never try, you will never grow.
Let this be a year to learn, live, and love.
Learn what sets your soul on fire, live your life keeping it ablaze, and love your every flame. You can never be perfect, but you can be your own reminder that you are perfectly imperfect in the best way. So, raise your torch high and never let its fire fade.