October 31, 2021, Far Eastern Private School, Al Shaba Administration reinstated face-to-face learning for all students, enabling them to learn in a physical environment.

Far Eastern Private School (FEPS) is one of the last schools in Sharjah to implement the 100% return of full Face-to-face Education. FEPS ensures the safety of its students by requiring a negative PCR test result and a completed Vaccination Certificate before allowing them to enter the school. In some cases, students were unable to attend school since they did not have proof that they were free of COVID based on negative PCR results and having completed vaccinations. School personnel (students, staffs, administrators, and teachers) are guaranteed safe by this provision.
Following the provision is a must. As part of the Health and Safety protocols, individuals are required to wear mask, observe social distancing, avoid sharing of food/materials, and keep a kit with spare masks (3 pcs), hand sanitizers, and tissues on hand.
The implementation restored the way students used to study, helping them gain a better understanding of the outside world.

Former Distance Learning students are happy to reunite with their former classmates and friends as they now begin their Face-to-Face Learning courses. They will have plenty of time to create happy and well timed memories as they go along. As a result, the hallways are now filled with students with their giggles and laughter. Boring classrooms are now filled with each grade’s creative decorations. Although several students are still on Distance Learning due to living far away from school, teachers still instruct them virtually using Google Classroom and zoom.