ARIES (March 20-April 19) An increase in duties and responsibilities and duties will occur. For that reason, maintain restraint and patience. You will receive opportunities for productivity and leadership. TAURUS…
The Red and Green Apple: A short story of friendship
SHORT STORY by NEO CANIA In a cold apple farm located on the top of the mountain, there are apples named Red and Green. They have known each other for…
Does your unpleasant past experience qualify you to be judged as good-for-nothing and untrustworthy in the present time?
by JEFFREY MARAVILES “Don’t judge a person because you are in a different position” “It is only when we ask questions that we understand.” “An ex-criminal was once a criminal,…
Faith’s poem from the heart
by CARL BERNABE “Rise when you fall Get up and stand tall Recover from trials despite its depth and height Keep going when you tremble and shine bright.” Faith Tuazon…