By Alexandra Santilles

On September 14, 2023, the four parties made their final presentation during the Miting de Avance to enable students to choose the candidates that they would vote for.

FEPSians were drawn in by the four parties’ well-presented campaigns, which highlighted the efforts of the individuals running for the Supreme Student Government. This year’s program demonstrated the students’ innovative thinking, talents, and abilities to lead in the face of hardship through speeches, platforms, and performances.

The Miting de Avance concluded with the four parties delighted with what they had shared with other students. Ace of S.P.A.D.E.S. who showcased ace-tastic ideas for this academic year, C.H.A.R.M. who succeeded in charming the hearts of the FEPSians, F.E.A.R.L.E.S.S. who conveyed to never fear, as they are here to help them, and S.A.K.U.R.A. who bloomed the FEPSians with their exceptional traits.